Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents VI

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

This post continues the previous articles article1, article2, article3, article4, article5 analyzing additional requirements, so is recommended to have a look at those first.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

In the current analysis session, the following requirements are captured.

In this phase of the requirements is identified that translation is required.

Translation must be driven by language, not by country and must reuse as much as possible the translated items.

As languages can have different variations based on the country (Example: French in France can be slightly different than the French in Canada), during the requirements phase we are asked to take that into consideration.

For now we will analyze the Items required to allow translation into French Language for the countries France and Canada, but the design would be the same to cover other Languages. 

The following diagram represents the changes required in the blueprint.

The following diagram shows the inheritance in more detail. I removed other inheritance keeping only the inheritance related to translation

"4000 Content Master (FR)" is used for translate the global content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "3000 Content Master"

"5001 Africa Content (FR)" is used for translate the African content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "4001 Africa Content" and "4000 Content Master (FR)"

"5002 America Content (FR)" is used for translate the American content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "4002 America Content" and "4000 Content Master (FR)"

"5003 Europe Content (FR)" is used for translate the European content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "4003 Europe Content" and "4000 Content Master (FR)"

"6004 Canada Content (FR)" is used for translate content created in English in the publication "5000 Canada Content" and the handle any variation of content created in the publications "4000 Content Master (FR)" and  "5002 American Content (FR)" in French specific for Canada (If required) 
Inherits from publication "5002 American Content (FR)" and "5000 Canada Content"

"6000 France Content (FR)" is used for translate content created in English in the publication "5000 France Content" and the handle any variation of content created in the publications "4000 Content Master (FR)" and  "5003 Europe Content (FR)" in French specific for France (If required) 
Inherits from publication "5003 Europe Content (FR)" and "5000 France Content"

Note: Depending on the language standards chosen, maybe is not required to adapt any content inherited from the Global and Continent publications, but if required those are the publications where you will handle that.  

Note: Any countries with similar requirements of translation into French will be handled following the same pattern than the one used for Canada and France.

Note: Any other languages required with follow the same pattern for translation than the French Language.

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