Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents VII

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

This post continues the previous articles article1, article2, article3, article4, article5, article6 analyzing additional requirements, so is recommended to have a look at those first.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

In the current analysis session, the following requirements are captured.

In this phase of the requirements is identified how we are going to build the translated websites.

We identify two different scenarios that must be handled differently from Blueprint structure point of view.

Scenario 1: Some Countries will offer the site in a translated language showing the exact same structure than the website produced in the main language. We identified Canada and France following this pattern.

Scenario 2: Some Countries will offer the site in a translated language showing a different structure than the country website produced in the main language. We identified Namibia following this pattern.
Example: Some countries will offer just few pages country specific in the translated language that do not follow necessary the structure of the country main language website  

The following diagram represents the changes required in the blueprint.

Scenario 1. Canada and France website in French will inherit from the main websites produced  in English language. Those websites will be pretty much a replica of the main English website, but the content will be translated into French Language.

"9003 www Canada (FR)" is used for create the website of Canada in French Language.
Inherits from publications "8003 www Canada" and "6004 Canada Content (FR)" 

"9005 www France (FR)" is used for create the website of France in French Language.
Inherits from publications "8005 www France" and "6000 France Content (FR)"

Scenario 2. Namibia website in French won't be inheriting from the main website produced for Namibia in English language. That will offer few page with information in French but still will inherit the main structure from the global master and continent master


"8000 www Namibia (FR)" is used for create the website of Namibia in French Language.
Inherits from publications "6001 Namibia Content (FR)" and "7000 Master Structure Africa"

Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents VI

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

This post continues the previous articles article1, article2, article3, article4, article5 analyzing additional requirements, so is recommended to have a look at those first.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

In the current analysis session, the following requirements are captured.

In this phase of the requirements is identified that translation is required.

Translation must be driven by language, not by country and must reuse as much as possible the translated items.

As languages can have different variations based on the country (Example: French in France can be slightly different than the French in Canada), during the requirements phase we are asked to take that into consideration.

For now we will analyze the Items required to allow translation into French Language for the countries France and Canada, but the design would be the same to cover other Languages. 

The following diagram represents the changes required in the blueprint.

The following diagram shows the inheritance in more detail. I removed other inheritance keeping only the inheritance related to translation

"4000 Content Master (FR)" is used for translate the global content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "3000 Content Master"

"5001 Africa Content (FR)" is used for translate the African content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "4001 Africa Content" and "4000 Content Master (FR)"

"5002 America Content (FR)" is used for translate the American content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "4002 America Content" and "4000 Content Master (FR)"

"5003 Europe Content (FR)" is used for translate the European content into French Language.
Inherits from publication "4003 Europe Content" and "4000 Content Master (FR)"

"6004 Canada Content (FR)" is used for translate content created in English in the publication "5000 Canada Content" and the handle any variation of content created in the publications "4000 Content Master (FR)" and  "5002 American Content (FR)" in French specific for Canada (If required) 
Inherits from publication "5002 American Content (FR)" and "5000 Canada Content"

"6000 France Content (FR)" is used for translate content created in English in the publication "5000 France Content" and the handle any variation of content created in the publications "4000 Content Master (FR)" and  "5003 Europe Content (FR)" in French specific for France (If required) 
Inherits from publication "5003 Europe Content (FR)" and "5000 France Content"

Note: Depending on the language standards chosen, maybe is not required to adapt any content inherited from the Global and Continent publications, but if required those are the publications where you will handle that.  

Note: Any countries with similar requirements of translation into French will be handled following the same pattern than the one used for Canada and France.

Note: Any other languages required with follow the same pattern for translation than the French Language.

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Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents V

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

This post continues the previous articles article1, article2, article3, article4 analyzing additional requirements, so is recommended to have a look at those first.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

In the current analysis session, the following requirements are captured.

There is a common structure applicable to all the websites for all the continents. 

Each continent follows an specific structure (based on the global structure) common to all the countries of the continent. 

 Each country could add an additional structure based on the local requirements, but won't be able to change the global nor the continent structure

The following diagram represents the changes required in the blueprint.

The additional publications are colored in blue and are the publications used for create the design publications. 

The following diagram shows a more detail view of the Structure and WebSite layer
The symbols (*) (&)  (#) (@) represent the Schema Publications (*), Global and Continent Content Publications (&), Global and Continent Design Publications (#) and  Country Content Publications (@)

"6000 Master Structure" is used for create the global main structure that all the continents will follow. Inherits from the publications "3000 Content Master" and "2000 Master Design"

"7000 Master Structure Africa" is used for create the continent main structure that all the countries that belong to Africa will follow. Inherits from the publications "4001 Africa Content" and "3001 Africa Design"

"7001 Master Structure America" is used for create the continent main structure that all the countries that belong to America will follow. Inherits from the publications "4001 America  Content" and "3002 America Design"

"7002 Master Structure Europe" is used for create the continent main structure that all the countries that belong to America will follow. Inherits from the publications "4003 Europe  Content" and "3003 Europe Design"

Country Level Publications
The publications at the Country Level will inherit from the master structure publication of the continent they belong to and the specific country content publication.

Note: In the case of publication "8005 www France" will inherit also from the "4000 France Design" publication so users can use component templates created for the specific French schemas 

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Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents IV

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

This post continues the previous articles article1, article2, article3 analyzing additional requirements, so is recommended to have a look at those first.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

In the current analysis session, the following requirements are captured.

All the layout for all the countries is the same, except for the products, which will have their own templates. Although templates for the products per continent are different, layout still will refer to the same css, showing a very similar experience across the different countries. 

Certain countries in Europe must be able to produce their own templates based on different schemas that those identified at the continent level, as is the case for France now.

The following diagram represents the changes required in the blueprint.

The additional publications are colored in blue and are the publications used for create the design publications.

The following diagram shows a more detail view of the design layer

"2000 Master Design" is used for create the templates that are used across all the continents.
Inherits from the publication "1000 Schema Master".

"3001 Africa Design" is used for create the templates related to the African Products.
Inherits from the publication "2000 Master Design" and "2001 Africa Schemas".

"3002 America Design" is used for create the templates related to the American Products
Inherits from the publication "2000 Master Design" and "2001 America Schemas".

"3003 Europe Design" is used for create the templates  related to the European Products.
Inherits from the publication "2000 Master Design" and "2001 Europe Schemas".

"4003 France Design" is used for create the templates  related to the Country specific France Products.
Inherits from the publication "3000 Europe Design" and "3001 France Schemas".

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Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents III

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

This post continues the previous articles article1, article2 analyzing additional requirements, so is recommended to have a look at those first.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

In the current analysis session, the following requirements are captured.

Countries will be able to use global content applicable to all continents, content that is continent specific and still will be able to create their own content

The following diagram represents the changes required in the blueprint.

The additional publications are colored in blue and are the publications used for create the country content publications. 

"5000 Namibia Content" is used for create the country specific content for Namibia. 
Inherits from "4001 Africa Content"
"5000 Tanzania Content" is used for create the country specific content for Tanzania.
Inherits from "4001 Africa Content"
"5000 US Content" is used for create the country specific content for US.
Inherits from "4002 America Content"
"5000 Canada Content" is used for create the country specific content for Canada.
Inherits from "4002 America Content"
"5000 Netherlands Content" is used for create the country specific content for Netherlands.
Inherits from "4003 Europe Content"
"5000 France Content" is used for create the country specific content for France.
Inherits from "4003 Europe Content" and "3001 France Schemas"

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents II

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

This post continues the previous article analyzing additional requirements, so is recommended to have a look at that first.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

In the current analysis session, the following requirements are captured.

Certain countries in Europe must be able to produce their own products based on different schemas that those identified at the continent level.

At this point only France has this requirement, although some countries could follow the same approach in the future. 

To deal with this new requirement we have two different options.

Option 1
We can create a new publication per country that is required to have its own  schemas for handle the products.
We make the content country publication to inherit from that publication.
This provides a more clear separation for the specific country schemas but requires changes in the blueprint model. 
The following diagram represents the changes required in the blueprint.
The additional publications are colored in blue and are the publications used for create the specific schemas for France (3001 France Schemas) and the publication for store the content for France (5000 France Content)

Option 2
We can create a folder per country that is required to have its own schemas for handle the products at the Schema Continent Publication.
Those folders will be hidden for all the countries that belong to the continent except the one that is applicable.
This option doesn't require changes in the Blueprint Mode and obviously reduces the amount of publications required in the system but requires to use security to hide the folders for the specific country.
This is a safe approach when we are not 100% sure if the schemas will become globally used at some point. Turning those visible to all countries can be handled just removing the permissions.
This technique can applicable to other publications with similar requirements   

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Monday, October 6, 2014

Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering products in different continents I

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.

Websites offering different products per continent

A company that manufactures products in different continents wants to design a blueprint model for maintain all the websites.

Products are manufactured in 3 different continents (Africa, America, Europe).

The types and structure of the products are completely different depending on the continent.

Products manufactured in each continent must be available only to the Websites of countries that belong to that continent.

Continents do not share products and never will.

Currently there are no requirements for translation, all the websites will offer content in English. You are asked to analyze the relevant areas of the Blue Print related to content, no design considerations, structure nor translation are required at this point. In the next post we will add more requirements and analyze those.

This is scenario has clear requirements for having a master publication for creating the common schemas and one publication per continent for creating the schemas applicable to that continent (most of those schemas are related to products). The following diagram represents the blueprint structure. Each box represents a Publication and the red arrows show the inheritance between publications

0000 Empty Parent Publication is the Scalability Level, is left empty

1000 Schema Master Publication is used for create the Master Schemas and Categories
Here will be created the schemas shared across all the continents

2001 Africa Schemas, 2002 America Schemas and 2003 Africa Schemas Publications are used for create the specific schemas per continent

3000 Content Master Publication is used for create the common content shared across all the continents

4001 Africa Content, 4002 America Content and 4003 Europe Content Publications are used for create the specific content per continent.
Each one inherits from the schema publication applicable to the continent.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blueprint Scenarios. Websites offering Content in different Languages for different countries

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles.
In this exercise an important concept in design is introduced, which is a country agnostic layer.

Websites created for different countries offering content in different languages

A company wants to design a blueprint model for produce similar websites for different countries.

Each website will be showing content in the different official languages of the country.
Example: Canada will require two websites, one in English and one in French.

Company is trying to maximize the reuse of translated content and allow content translated to a specific language to be reused by other countries where that language is spoken, however, that content could be localized and the original translation could be adapted or additional content specific to the country could be added.

Current websites required are US (English), Canada (English, French) and France (French)

Pages must be centralized for all countries, but additional pages could be added per country if required.  

The Websites of the same country in different languages must follow the same structure.

This scenario has requirements related to content and content translation reuse, but still allow flexibility for any country to add specific content and pages.
The following diagram represents the blueprint structure.
Each box represents a Publication and the red arrows show the inheritance between publications 

        0000 Empty Parent Publication is the Scalability Level, is left empty

1000 Schema Master Publication is used for create the Schemas and Categories

2000 Design Master Publication is used for create the design artifacts 

2000 Content Master (LN-EN) Publication is used for create the Content Master (English), which contains the content that is available for all websites. As is common content, must be country agnostic, content is not for an specific country.

3000 Content Master (LN-FR) Publication is used for translate the common content from English to French. This translated content will be used for produce any website where content is delivered in French Language.

3000 Master Structure Publication is used for maintain the global structure of the sites.

4001 Content (CO-US-EN)  Publication is used for maintain the content for US in English
Inherits from the publication "2000 Content Master (LN-EN)"

4002 Content (CO-CA-EN) Publication is used for maintain the content for Canada in English
Inherits from the publication "2000 Content Master (LN-EN)"

5001 Content (CO-CA-FR) Publication is used for maintain the content for Canada in French
Is inheriting from the "3000 Content Master (LN-FR) Publication" and also from 
"4001  Content (CO-US-EN) Publication " so any content created for Canada only has to be created
in English and translate to French in this publication 

5001 Content (CO-FR-FR) Publication is used for maintain the content for France in French
Is inheriting also from the "3000 Content Master (LN-FR) Publication", so is reusing the translated content into French Language

The Level 600X represents the websites produced with this blueprint model

6001  www (CO-US-EN)   Publication represents the website for US in English Language
Inherits from the "4001 Content (CO-US-EN) Publication" and "3000 Master Structure Publication"
6002  www (CO-CA-EN)   Publication represents the website for Canada in English Language
Inherits from the "4001  Content (CO-CA-EN) Publication" and "3000 Master Structure Publication"

6003  www (CO-CA-FR)   Publication represents the website for Canada in French Language
Inherits from the "5001  Content (CO-CA-FR) Publication" and "3000 Master Structure

6004  www (CO-FR-FR)   Publication represents the website for France in French Language
 Inherits from the "5001  Content (CO-CA-FR) Publication" and "3000 Master Structure

For the Canadian websites, In case that we require the French language website independent from the
English Language website (not at specified in the requirement), we could handle that following the
next diagram

In this case there is no dependency between the Canadian website in English language and the
Canadian website in French language

Friday, September 5, 2014

Blueprint Scenarios. Website offering Content in different Languages for the same country

The purpose of this post is to solve a Blueprint design exercise based on some specific requirements.
The intended audience for this article are individuals that want to gain knowledge of how to analyze and design using SDL Tridion Blueprint Principles

Website offering Content in different Languages

A company wants to design a blueprint model for produce the website for an specific country in different languages.
Company wants to offer content in 3 different languages, English, Spanish and French
Content must be centralized, created in English and translated into Spanish and French 
Pages must be centralized and have the same structure regardless of the language. The pages created in English language are the pages that drive the structure of the Web Site  

This is a relatively simple scenario, as there are no requirements of localization except for translation.
The following diagram represents the blueprint structure.
Each box represents a Publication and the red arrows show the inheritance between publications

       0000 Publication is the Scalability Level, is left empty
       1000 Publication is used for create the Schemas and Categories

2000 Publications are used for create the Content Master (English) and Design Master
Using this layer we achieve the centralization of the Content.

2001  Publications are used for Translate the Content into French and Spanish

3001  Publication  is used to maintain the master structure (The structure of the WebSite itself)
Using this layer we achieve the centralization of the Pages.

4001, 4002, 4003  Publications are used to maintain the pages. 
Those publications are not going to be used much, as all the structure, assemble of content in pages happens at the master structure

Note: This solution is just an example. Depending on how we dive into requirements, this solution could have some small variations:

1) We could create another publication inheriting from Content Master also for English Content
2) We could remove the 4001 www (EN) and use the 3001 Master Structure for maintain the English structure

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Analyzing SDL Tridion CMS Data


One of the challenges we have when evaluate an existing SDL Tridion implementation is the difficulty of having a high level overview of all the items involved in the system, and identify which relations between which item types can lead to identify existing or future problems.

This Article provides some information that can help in order to evaluate/audit an existing SDL Tridion implementation based on the interpretation of data extracted from the CMS Database.
This is applicable to several versions of the product.
Personally I have used this methodology for the versions 5.3, 2009, 2011 and 2013.

Also can be applicable to reporting and keep track of the evolution of the system.  

Each Section explained here covers the interpretation of a data set that can be extracted with a SQL statement.
Depending of the implementation, design decisions, data volume, context, etc... those metrics can have different interpretation.

I won't share the SQL statements in this Blog, but I will give an overview of which tables are involved for extracting the Data.

Relation between Schemas
This area covers the relation between schemas in the system

The Tables involved in the data extraction are:


Sample of Data Extraction:

010 Schemas ARTICLE DOCUMENT    

Sample of data analysis:
  • Schema Article is created in the publication 010 Schemas
  • Schema Article is referencing the schemas PARAGRAPH, IMAGE, DOCUMENT, ARTICLE BODY

The analysis of this data will give us information about:

  • General overview of how our content model is designed
  • Distribution of schemas across our Blueprint Model  
  • Identify an abnormal number of relations beween schemas
  • Identify circular references (Schema A pointing to Schema B and Schema B pointing to Schema A)

Relation between Schemas and Categories
This area covers the relation between schemas and categories in the system

The Tables involved in the data extraction are:

Sample of Data Extraction:

010 Schemas   ARTICLE TOPICS
010 Schemas   NEWS COUNTRY
010 Schemas     NEWS STATE

Sample of data analysis:
  • Schema ARTICLE uses the Category TOPICS
  • Schema NEWS uses the Categories COUNTRY and STATE

The analysis of this data will give us information about:

  • Relation between Schemas and Categories
  • Identify an abnormal number of relations Schemas and Categories

Relation between Schemas and Component Templates
This area covers the relation between schemas and component templates in the system

The Tables involved in the data extraction are:
  • ITEMS                           
  • ITEM_REFERENCES                 
  • ITEM_ASSOCIATIONS                

Sample of Data Extraction:

020 Design BANNER CT BANNER 1 1

Sample of data analysis:
  • Schema ARTICLE has two component templates associated CT ARTICLE INTRO and CT ARTICLE FULL. Both component templates are static and can be used for assemble Articles in pages  
  • Schema BANNER has one component templates associated CT BANNER. This component template is static and can be used for assemble Banners in pages 

The analysis of this data will give us information about: 
  • Distribution of component templates across our Blueprint Model 
  • Relation between Schemas and Component Templates   
  • If the current implementation has templates that you can't use when assembling components into a page  (ALLOWEDONPAGE=0)  
  • If the current implementation is using an Static (DYNAMIC=0), Dynamic (DYNAMIC=1) of Hybrid publishing Model 
  • If a Schema is used in both Static and Dynamic Component Templates

Relation between Schemas and Components
This area covers the relation between schemas and components in the system

The Tables involved in the data extraction are:

  • ITEMS 

Sample of Data Extraction:

030 Content English ARTICLE 100
030 Content English BANNER 50
040 Content Spanish ARTICLE 30

Sample of data analysis:
  • There are 100 components based on the schema ARTICLE in the publication 030 Content English  
  • There are 50 components based on the schema BANNER in the publication 030 Content English  
  • There are 30 components based on the schema ARTICLE in the publication 040 Content Spanish
    • Those 30 components can be localized or can be new components. This information can also be extracted if required  

The analysis of this data will give us information about: 
  • Distribution of components across our Blueprint Model 
  • Volume of components 
  • Usage of schemas when creating content  

Relation between Pages and Page Templates
This area covers the relation between pages and page templates in the system

The Tables involved in the data extraction are:


Sample of Data Extraction:

050 Web Site English PT Main 70
050 Web Site English PT Article 30
050 Web Site Spanish PT Main 15
050 Web Site Spanish PT Article 10

Sample of data analysis:
  • There are 70 pages based on the page template PT Main in the publication 050 Web Site English  
  • There are 30 pages based on the page template PT Article in the publication 050 Web Site English  
  • There are 15 pages based on the page template PT Main in the publication 050 Web Site Spanish  
    • Those 15 pages can be localized or can be new pages. This information can also be extracted if required 
  • There are 10 pages based on the page template PT Article in the publication 050 Web Site Spanish  
    • Those 10 pages can be localized or can be new pages. This information can also be extracted if required  

The analysis of this data will give us information about: 
  • Distribution of pages across our Blueprint Model 
  • Volume of pages 
  • Usage of page templates  

Relation between Pages and Components
This area covers the relation between pages and components in the system.

The Tables involved in the data extraction are:
Sample of Data Extraction:

PUBLICATION PAGE               CP's > 6
050 Web Site English Article Index 9
050 Web Site English Home 12

Sample of data analysis:
  • There are two pages with more than 6 component presentations assembled 
    • Article Index uses 9
    • Home uses 12   

The analysis of this data will give us information about:
  • Number of Components assembled in a page  
  • Identify an abnormal number of Components added to a Page
  • Identify potential bottlenecks during publishing
    • Example: A page contains 30 Component Presentations using Static Component Templates 

Relation between Components and Pages
This area covers the relation between pages and components in the system

The Tables involved in the data extraction are:
Sample of Data Extraction:

050 Web Site EnglishBANNER MORTGAGE12
050 Web Site EnglishQUICK LINKS8

Sample of data analysis:
  • There are two components used in more than with more than 4 pages in the system 
    • BANNER MORTGAGE used in 12 pages
    • QUICK LINKS used in 8 pages

The analysis of this data will give us information about: 
  • Usage of components across pages  
  • Identify the heavily utilized components
  • Identify potential bottlenecks during publishing
    • Example: A component is used in 15 pages assembled with a static component template 

Some General Tips when Analyzing the Data

Evaluate the information from a global point of view
Is important when we evaluate an implementation we consider all the different data sets extracted. 
Although each one can be interpreted separately, understanding the relation between those data sets provide a lot of useful information related to the system.

Be careful when you interpret the Data
Don't make quick assumptions related to an implementation. There are guidelines/best practices that any implementation should follow but sometimes the reality is different than the theory.
Ensure you collect and interpret the Data properly before making wrong assumptions. Also communicate with the people that has been working with the system for a while, they will give you very valuable information that can help in the interpretation.


Example 1:
If we observe a bottleneck in the publisher when publishing a banner named "BANNER HOLIDAYS", based on the schema "BANNER", based on those metrics we could see that that component is used in 20 pages and the Component Template associated to the schema "BANNER" schema is static, so the republishing of that banner will trigger the republish of 20 pages.

Example 2:
If we observe that there is a reasonable number of Page Templates and  Component Templates localized in the system across several publications, that means that any changes in Page Templates and Component Templates will take longer than if those were not Localized.